Monday, September 27, 2010

New York Surf Film Festival board painting

This past weekend was the 3rd annual New York Surf Film Festival. It out-did itself once again. Each film I saw was a different kind of good. The one movie that stood out for me was Stoked and Broke, I think everyone needs to go on a no money ricshaw surf trip at one point in their life after seeing that.
In colaboration with Haze Surfboards I painted a board for the raffle. All of the money from the raffle was given away to foreign surf based charities. Here's some photos, enjoy!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Board Painting for Haze Surfboard/New York Surf Film Festival

I was asked to paint a board shaped by Keirnan Brtalik of Haze Surfboards to be raffled off at the New York Surf Film Festival. The proceeds of the raffle will be given away to charity. The festival starts tonight, come down and check it out!
here's a short video of the painting of the board which will be on display tonight

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Monday, September 13, 2010

Catching up (part2.)

Second set of the catching up series. (these are in no cronologicol order whatsoever)

Thursday, September 9, 2010

catching up (part 1)

finally catching up... pics from the road,
(with more to come)

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Ryan('s) Webb(isodes)

Ryan's art direction with some obvious bunk photoshopping. Check Ryan out at